The event’s purpose was to find new great ideas, technologies and projects and to be a networking platform for startups, investors and everyone who is interested in the future of mobility and technology.
During the Ford Applink Mobility Challenge participants had the opportunity to meet with experts, international investors and business developers, furthermore the president of the jury will be Scott Lyons, Head of Business & Partner Development, Connected Services, Ford.

On March 21, 2019, the selected applicants of the IKE2020 and METU Tech for Good idea competitions presented themselves at the Budapest Metropolitan University. The aim of the competition is to embrace technology-based ideas and businesses that serve social values – IKE2020 supported them by tailor made mentoring and with donating 3D printers.

The project pursues the overall objective of facilitating the funding of women entrepreneurs (WE) through women business angels (WBAs) and contributing to the creation of a sustainable base of private investment in Europe.
The CrossEUWBA project brings together the expertise of six entities from 5 European countries with the expertise in the women entrepreneurs.
The consortium partners intend to channel this expertise by focusing on the general objective pursuing the following specific objectives:
better understand the success factors, obstacles and challenges that women are facing to become WBAs to increase the number of WBAs in Europe, particularly in countries with low participation
increase the diversity of WBAs and the number of sectors that benefit from WBA investment
increase the number of ready-for investment women entrepreneurs’ projects
effectively match WBAs and WE, also through cross-border investmentsnework, build a community and contribute to promoting a favourable and sustainable environment for the emergence of WBA networks/association/clubs

"Bioeconomy e-brochure - general background information and recommendations on how the ecosystem surrounding bioeconomy researchers can strengthen the path to innovation even more effectively" c. For the implementation of our project we receive support in 7/2017. (VII.6.) Based on our successful application submitted according to the Ministry of Agriculture's instructions.

The implemented bioeconomy e-brochure is a gap-filling document in Hungary, as the results of research and development for the utilization of industrial, agricultural and plant biomass with a decade-long tradition are available, but there are still relatively few experts on this topic in Hungary which made it difficult to access to know-hows.